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Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL

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Immersion, Creation & States of Mind

November 25, 2016 |

Anyone must at some point in his life have felt so absorbed to an experience or task that forgot about the world around him. As creators, we intend to create spaces which engage people and evoke the feeling of wonder … Read More

Optimal States of Consciousness for Immersion

February 14, 2016 |

Title Image: Baribican’s Rain Room – It’s raining, but you won’t get wet

Is immersion a unique or complex experience? Can immersive experiences appear in only specific space? If a person’s skills which can solve specific tasks in an environment … Read More

Flow and Immersion

November 12, 2015 |

For “optimal” experiences in an exhibition space, immersion experience can be considered an important element of communication between an exhibit media and visitors. I am  interested in a theory which is called ‘Flow theory’. In detail, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi(1992), an eminent … Read More