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Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL

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artificial intelligence

Smart Susan

April 7, 2018 |

The best interface is no interface” – Golden Krishna

The landscape of smart home automation today is utterly cluttered. Small and big players are struggling to get a foothold in the exponentially growing industry. The hype is very much real.

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Electrophysiology: In Control and Being Controlled

November 9, 2015 |

‘Computers will overtake humans with AI at some within the next 100 years.’ said by Stephen Hawking (2015) at the Zeitgeist conference. Artificial Intelligence may be little far away from our life at present. But another technology has been invented … Read More

Evolutionary Robotic Prototype

July 29, 2015 |

Supported through the technological advances and the relative fields of expertise, robotics, computation and engineering; architecture is considered to be at a transition stage engaged with time and mobility. Kinetic architecture aims at the development of timely dynamically adaptable systems … Read More

Learning as a defining element of Artificial Intelligence

April 28, 2015 |

For more than 50 years, robotics and scientists have put their effort into developing artificial intelligence, and research into AI has been done to a very high level. However, intelligence has always been one of those concepts that is very … Read More