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Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL

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Élan Vital

Élan Vital

Responding to the architecture of a deconsecrated church, light artefacts react to human presence and movement. Beginning with playful, distributed interaction and eventually morphing to represent one ‘life force’, Élan Vital is a performative and scenographic spatial intervention that reveals the often-invisible relationship we share with our environment.

A project exploring the notions of the invisible ‘Life Force’ that may occupy our physical spaces, the culmination of a series of experiments over fifteen months using interactive light artefacts infused with artificial life algorithms to respond to human movement. Employing elementary computer vision to capture human motion, data is parsed into three dimensional volumes using the technique of ray marching and illuminated onto reconfigurable spatial constructs.








Key Reference:

‘Creative Evolution’ -  Henri Bergson


Last prototype:


Research Articles:

The Architecture of Us

Towards Bioparanoia and Self-Control