Archives of Vision
Archives of Vision is an interactive installation that explores ways of seeing as a performative act of understanding space and constructing meaning. The installation is in three parts – the first explores the tracking of the gaze as a device for spatial composition; the second re-enacts the path of the observer’s eyes through the motion of a robotic creature; the third archives these recordings into a network of situated compositions, revealing the space as seen by a collection of human eyes and robotic creatures.
Installation in Three Acts:
1. Looking at Looking
The installation uses eye tracking as an input for materializing the eye movements of the observer within a space. As the observer looks through the viewport, her point of gaze becomes visible – leaving a trail as she unconsciously and consciously scans and environment. The voyeuristic position of the observer, fixated in relation to the “viewport” creates a paradoxical situation of embodiment: on the one hand the observer is fixated in position, on the other hand her field of vision is technically put into motion and intercepted by the visual trails of her gaze.
2. Teaching to See

Robotic archivist exploring an outdoor space

Robotic archivist exploring an industrial courtyard

Robotic archivist exploring a loft space
In the second stage of our installation we are investigating the capacity of a robot to see through studying the eye movement of an observer. Rather than utilizing computer vision technology to teach a robot how to perform a task, the project adopts a bottom up approach to tasking unspoken communications as mechanisms for improving accuracy and calibration in eye movement research.
Through translating eye movement to robotic motion the behavioral and performative characteristics of looking are uncovered. The different paths unique to each observer within a situated space reveal the subjectivity of observation and vision as an exploratory activity.
3. Archiving Observed Space
Ways of Seeing: Previous Explorations
Series of prototypes utilizing eye tracking technology and robotics to explore ways of seeing, animacy, behavior, spatial agency, and affective materiality of sight. Â
- Ways of Seeing by Luna
- Ways of Seeing by The Entangled Eye
Berger, John. Ways of Seeing. London: British Broadcasting Corporation, 2008.
Crary, Jonathan. Techniques of the Observer: on Vision and Modernity in the Nineteenth Century.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2012.
Fisher, Philip. Wonder, the Rainbow, and the Aesthetics of Rare Experiences. Harvard
University Press, 2003.
Foerster, Heinz Von. Understanding Understanding: Essays on Cybernetics and Cognition. New York: Springer, 2010
Gage, Stephen A. The wonder of trivial machines, Systems Research and Behavioral Science,
23 (6), 2006.
Hankins, Thomas L. Instruments and the Imagination. Princeton University Pres, 2016.
Hansen, Mark B. N. New Philosophy for New Media. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2006.
Johnston, John. “Machinic Vision.” Critical Inquiry26, no. 1 (1999): 27—48.
Oregan, J. Kevin, and Alva Noë. “A Sensorimotor Account of Vision and Visual Consciousness.”
Behavioral and Brain Sciences24, no. 5 (2001): 939—73.
Palinko, O., Rea, F., Sandini, G. and Sciutti, A. (2016). Eye tracking for human robot interaction.
Proceedings of the Ninth Biennial ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications – ETRA ’16.
Penny, Simon. Making Sense: Cognition, Computing, Art, and Embodiment. MA: MIT PRESS, 2019.
Stone, Brad Elliot, Curiosity as the thief of wonder: and essay on Heidegger’s critique of the
ordinary conception of time, Kronoscope. 2006.
Virilio, Paul. The Vision Machine. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2007.