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Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL

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Flow 5.0 – Daan Roosegaarde

  • On September 14, 2007

Its been a busy past week in London with events at the Tate and the very interesting 2 day conference on Media Architecture held at Central Saint Martins. I”ll cover these in detail over the coming days. Meanwhile, on Sunday I managed to catch up with Daan Roosegaarde for a few drinks and talk about his most recent interactive installations including Flow 5.0 (pictured above). Daan describes Flow as  "An interactive sculpture made out of hundreds of ventilators which are reacting to your sound and motion. By walking and interacting an illusive landscape of transparancies and ‘artificial wind’ is created. Moving through Flow 5.0 the visitor becomes conscious of himself as a body, in a dynamic relation with space and technology. Currently Flow 5.0 is further developed as a large architectural intervention commissioned by TodaysArt.

What I find interesting about Daan’s approach is that his installations are not simply built and shipped off to various exibitions so that everyone sees the same work. Instead, he is continually developing his existing installations adapting the software and materials to new contexts, and strategies of interaction. He’s also open about how his work is very much a team effort with the support of programmers, engineers and production assistants who are all given the freedom to push their interests within the work which he conceives of, and creatively directs. I look forward to seeing what Flow 6.0 looks like soon.

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