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Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL

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Deep Walls -Scott Sona Snibbe

  • On August 28, 2005


Deep Walls creates a projected cabinet of cinematic memories. Within each of 16 rectangles, the movements of different viewers within the space are projected, played back over-and-over, and reduced into the space of a small cupboard. Initially, when a viewer or viewers move into the larger rectangle of the entire projection, their shadows begin to be invisibly recorded, and one box within the projection (the eventual destination of the current movements) is cleared out – When all of these viewers leave the larger frame, their shadows are replayed within that smaller, single box, looping indefinitely. Thus the work presents memories of the space, organized and collected into a flat cinematic projection.

interactive architecture

Scott Snibbe has made a number of Installations, visit his website here for a look at his portfolio

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