Daniel Chadwick – Kinetic Solar Systems
Daniel Chadwick‘s principal works are mobiles made up of “Kinetic Solar Systems” that revolve using tiny solar-powered motors to propel perfectly balanced discs.
Thanks you came back!
I am fond of your blog since ages and was very disappointed by the recent lack of new post. And now you’re back with news. Thanks alot, I love the pieces of arts you show in here.
See you,.V
Thanks so much, I’m really enjoying getting back into it. Please let me know if you have any tips?
I agree with Nootilus. It was a great pleasure a few weeks ago when I got an updatde from your RSS feed. Thanks for the good work, and the good posts.
hey Ruari welcome back. I missed your blog as well.
Ran into this project just now thought you might be interested.http://www.notcot.com/archives/2009/02/bamboo_dna_inte.php#more
thanks a lot 🙂