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Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL

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About Ifigenia Lambrou

Architect + Engineer

Ifigenia Lambrou

Ifigenia received her Bachelor of Science in Architecture from University of Cyprus (UCY) along with the Diploma in Architecture, graduating as top of her year. She has been working as a Teaching Assistant (UCY) during the last year of her studies. Her thesis was published in AIEDAM Cambridge Journals. She is currently pursuing the MSc Adaptive Architecture & Computation in Bartlett (UCL). In 2012 she co-founded Ikreate, a design studio that works in the production of emergent, non-conventional forms through the use of computational tools. Her personal interests lie in generative design and emergence in architectural design, both through simulation and materialisation. Through her studies she became interested to artificial intelligence, embedded computation, physical computing and robotics in architecture.

Projects By Ifigenia Lambrou

Posts By Ifigenia Lambrou

Evolutionary Robotic Prototype

July 29, 2015 |

Supported through the technological advances and the relative fields of expertise, robotics, computation and engineering; architecture is considered to be at a transition stage engaged with time and mobility. Kinetic architecture aims at the development of timely dynamically adaptable systems … Read More