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Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL

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OpenFrameworks London Workshop

“Body Paint” by Mehmet Akten made using openFrameworks. is pleased to announce a free public OpenFrameworks Workshop on 13th – 14th June 2009 lead by Mehmet Akten, Marek Bereza and Joel Gethin Lewis and hosted by University College London’s MSc Adaptive Architecture & Computation Programme.

“Lights On” audio visual performance driven by openFrameworks created for the Ars Electronica museum in Linz, Austria

This is intended to be the starting point for a number of workshops using OpenFrameworks with an introductory session suitable for people with no “oF” experience but some basic understanding of scripting in Processing, Flash, etc.

Workshop Details

Dates: Saturday 13th & Sunday 14th June 2009
Time: 10:00 – 17:00

Location: University College London, Gower Street
Building: Wilkins
Room: Old Refectory

If you are interested in participating in the workshop please contact us immediately as places are limited. The workshop is free, all you need is a laptop. You may want to bring along other interfaces, microcontrollers, cameras etc that you’d like to play with. Complete Details of Workshop and how to sign up


  1. Tiemen

    Cool! Just read the newsletter and when I checked my news feed the event was already up. Cool initiative.

  2. Hi, I signed up but got through an email that I apparantly sent from myself with ‘your subject’ as the subject and the blurb I typed in the little box as the email body. It’s always a little creepy getting emails from yourself about yourself that you didn’t send.
    Should I sign up again?

  3. Sorry this form plugin was been used for the first time by me and by default it sends you back your message. Don’t worry I did recieve everyones emails. We had over 250 requests for the workshop and we hope to organise a number of further events in coming months.

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