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Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL

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Interstices – The Side Effect of Urethane

Currently showing until 2nd july at Le Tri Postal in Lille, SKATE* is a unique event about skateboard culture and its history. Graphic design, photography, video, architecture and music will be gathered together around skateboard, both a sport and a urban way of life.

On the ground floor, on a surface area of 1500 square meters, The Side Effect of Urethane collective and DSP present ‘ Interstices ‘; this installation reflects a vision of public urban space, allowing for encounters between skateboarders and visitors. In this installation, the city is seen as a landscape. It explores the idea of Skateboarding as a kind of line drawing in urban space; exploring the paths traversed by skaters from point to point, surface to surface, the creation of complex patterns and gestures over the surface of the urban canvas.

“Like the living urban environment, we have used La Tri Postale spaces, cracks and crevices, design faults and features, and placed objects that represent on one hand a pre-determined, top down and designed environment, fit for purpose, but on the other hand allows flexibility and chance activities to take place within them. This seemingly casual composition reflects the beauty of skateboarding, something that is not governed purely by reason, but uses the space as a guide as to what is achievable; personal interpretation of how to utilise the space enables invention. The style and flow expressed within this area is purely personal, and no two movements will be identical, there is never perfection, purely a personal journey.”

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